Marketing Archives - Distill Media Okanagan Video Production Sat, 05 Aug 2023 12:56:45 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 Marketing Archives - Distill Media 32 32 Why Your Video Isn’t Getting the Desired Results Thu, 23 Jun 2022 21:26:28 +0000 The post Why Your Video Isn’t Getting the Desired Results appeared first on Distill Media.


Maybe you’ve been in this situation before: you’ve spent a lot of time and money creating a great video for your brand or product and it turns out great. You’re proud of the video, and when the day finally comes to release it to the world, you hit publish and wait for the results to roll in.

But the results don’t roll in.

Sure, you probably get a couple ‘likes’ on Facebook, and your mom has shared it with all her friends, but after all that work (and all the money spent!) your video, quite frankly, flopped. 

That doesn’t need to happen.

After over a decade in the video production business, I’ve learned some valuable lessons on how to make sure your video reaches the right audience and maximizes the return on your investment. That’s what this blog post is all about.

Now, while I always recommend that you use a video production professional when creating a video (more on that in this blog post), the tips I’m going to share below will help you get the best results regardless of who made the video. So with that, let’s dive in.

Kelowna Video Production Business

Who is your audience and what is the goal of the video?

This is one of the most important questions I ask any client when they ask me to produce a video for them. If you know who your audience is, you can tailor the content to appeal to them.

For example, let’s say ‘Sally’ is the executive director of a non-profit organization who is looking for a video to play at their upcoming gala. The video would be played in front of business leaders and potential donors. In the video, Sally could describe all the great things that the organization has done using interviews of herself and other staff members.

This strategy could work, and you could certainly make a video fitting Sally’s description. But it may not be the best way to do things.

We know who the audience is–existing and potential donors–but what what is the goal of the video? The goal is likely this: have the audience be so moved by the video that they open up their wallets and make a recurring donation to the non-profit organization.

A video featuring Sally (who’s already giving the keynote presentation) talking about how great the non-profit is won’t have the same effect as an emotional story featuring someone whose life has been changed by the work of the non-profit. People will more likely connect with the emotional story. They will see and fully understand how important the work being done is and they’ll likely be moved to make a donation.

Understanding who the audience is and what the desired results are will help you shape the story accordingly.


Keep it short!

Shorter videos perform better than longer videos (in terms of viewer retention). Unless you’re producing a short film or documentary, it’s suggested that you keep the total runtime below 3 minutes. It can be hard to choose what to leave on the “cutting room floor”, but keeping your video short allows you to distill your message down to its most important elements. In my experience, I’ve found that the shorter the video is, the better it performs online. If you can get your message told in under 60 seconds: do it.

And if you really can’t fit all of your talking points in a video under 3 minutes, consider splitting your film into multiple shorter videos on different topics!

video marketing in kelowna

Where is your audience watching?

It’s also important to keep in mind what platform your audience will be viewing from, and tailor the video accordingly. For example, if you’re planning to upload your video to a social media platform, you’ll want to ensure the first 10 seconds of the video are visually captivating–something that “stops the thumbs” of the people scrolling past post after post. Make the first few seconds of the video so interesting that people can’t help but watch the video to see what it’s all about.

Another good practice is to ensure that subtitles are made to complement each video you do. By default, Facebook and Instagram don’t play audio on videos posted to their platforms–you have to click on the video to hear the sound. It is estimated that as much as 85% of videos on Facebook are viewed while muted. That’s a big problem if you’re trying to tell a story with interviews or narration!

The solution to this problem is to create subtitles for your video. On Facebook, you can attach subtitles to the video when uploading it. When the video plays while muted, Facebook will automatically superimpose the subtitles over it. When a viewer chooses to listen to the audio, the subtitles are hidden. We use as an affordable way to get subtitles made and formatted correctly.

Instagram is a bit trickier, as they are still a platform that prioritizes photos above all else. They don’t offer an option to upload subtitles alongside the video like Facebook does, so you have to get creative. Using a free program like Handbrake, you can ‘hardcode’ your subtitles onto the video. If this is something that interests you, there’s a great tutorial on Rev’s website. 

Kelowna Video Production Business

Attracting viewers

Take a look at YouTube’s homepage–you’ll notice something quickly. The videos that are pushed to the top of the list by the algorithm all have captivating titles and thumbnail images. These titles are short and intentionally chosen to pique your interest. They make you want to hit ‘play’ to find out more. Taking an extra few minutes to think about a title that will be interesting to your audience is important. Remember, you’re trying to convince people to take time out of their day to watch your content, so a title needs to do a good job of convincing them why it’s worth their time.

Thumbnails are important too, as they’re often the first thing a viewer will see when scrolling through videos–even before the title. Don’t just let YouTube or Facebook automatically generate a thumbnail for you from a random frame in your video, instead go and choose one yourself that better represents the theme. You can even use cheap photo editing software like Affinity to add text to your thumbnail–a trend widely used across YouTube.


Kelowna Video Production Business

The final push

A lot of people take a finished video, post it on their website or social media, and consider the work done… but that’s a critical mistake. As a general rule, people don’t just stumble across your video. You have to promote it multiple times across all platforms. This is probably the biggest reason why a video doesn’t get a good return on investment.

Instead of just posting your video on your website and hoping people come across it, consider uploading it to all your social media platforms as well. It’s important to upload the video files to each platform separately, as people are less likely to click a link to view something than they are to watch something that’s already in front of them.

After the video has been online for a few days, don’t hesitate to post about it again. On Facebook you can simply share the video again to your page, writing a new post to draw people in. This allows you to reach a broader audience, and perhaps people who didn’t see the original post (or didn’t have time to watch at the time).

Another great way to increase viewership is to boost the post on social media. With as little as $20, you can reach thousands of people. The more people who watch the video and engage with it, the higher the algorithm will rank the video–thereby showing it to more people organically.

If you can, I’d recommend doing this on both Facebook and Instagram, as you’ll often get different viewership on the different platforms. You can also pay to have the video show up on YouTube as an advertisement during other videos being viewed on the platform. This is a surprisingly affordable way to get more eyes on your video and one we’ve been doing ourselves as we promote our company.

Finally, I always suggest you watch the analytics to see what works and what doesn’t. You can actually track viewers’ watch time and if you notice that the majority of people don’t watch all the way to the end, this may be an indication that your video was too long. These analytics are powerful tools in figuring out what your audience likes and dislikes and will give you great insight into what to do differently next time.


By following these suggestions, you should start to see better results with the videos you produce–whether you use a production company, or film it yourself. With our clients, we’ve started implementing many of these strategies, taking some of the burden off them. When we deliver a final product to our clients, we include versions formatted for Facebook and Instagram, complete with subtitles. We offer to make thumbnails for them, and also have a partnership with a local marketing specialist who can help us boost viewership of these videos. A little extra effort goes a long way in getting the desired return on investment.


Distill Media is a video production business in the interior of British Columbia dedicated to the “essentials of visual storytelling”: isolating and expressing the core messages of businesses and organizations through video. We provide industry-leading products with high return on investment.

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Video Marketing That Stands Out: 3 Tips Sat, 25 Sep 2021 22:50:52 +0000 The post Video Marketing That Stands Out: 3 Tips appeared first on Distill Media.


We see advertisements all the time. Everywhere.

People have programmed themselves to “swipe” past advertisements without even thinking. It’s second nature.

The only way to get your message across to a potential customer with video marketing in Kelowna, throughout the province, country, or world, is to stand out: get the viewer’s attention first. You need them to want to watch for more than a few seconds.

Here are three ways to get more eyes on your video.

video marketing in kelowna

1. Confident start

You’ve probably heard this statement: “the first 5 seconds of your video are the most important”. This is your window to grab the attention of your viewer. With your first impression, it’s “make or break” right away.

If you’re using a video to market something, you’re going to want a video that is able to visually distill your story into somewhat of a thesis statement right off the bat. What information can you frontload into your advertisement that can sum up the whole advertisement? What’s your “hook”?

Attention spans are deteriorating. The internet is huge. What to do?

Establishing shots that spellbind your viewers are a good option. Typically, an aerial shot that gives a commanding sense of “place” to advertise a business location or product is a great hook.

Alternately, let your viewer know that you have what they’re looking for. Anticipate their questions with your video. If you’re selling a food-delivery service, speak directly to your audience in your opening: “tired of cleaning up after dinner? We’ll deliver!”

Another option is to generate curiosity. A bold introduction to a video that simply piques a viewer’s interest is worth doing.

It might take some creativity to come up with the right “start”. You could brainstorm this with your videography crew, a marketing team, or on your own. Just remember to consider: those first five seconds are your most important. Start confidently.

video marketing in kelowna

2. Look the Part

This might seem obvious, but based on a lot of video marketing I’ve seen in the past, it’s not common knowledge: you have to look good when you’re trying to sell somebody something.

A lower quality video doesn’t cut it anymore. People have gotten used to content–from Instagram, to YouTube, to Netflix–that looks expensive. A low resolution isn’t an option. A video with a scattered narrative, or poorly designed graphical elements won’t do. A professional, high-quality video is what we’re used to: and it shows that your company/product is willing to put money behind what they believe in. That goes a long way.

Secondly, it’s a good idea to format your videos for different viewing devices. Some people will view your advertisement on their laptop, and others will view it on their phone. Some people will view your advertisement on Instagram, and others will view it on Facebook. The same exact video is not appropriate for all these different uses. Make sure you–or whoever is in charge of your video production–optimize your content for different platforms.

video marketing in Kelowna

3. No Audio, No Problem

Audio design and music utterly transform video. Make no mistake: it’s a pivotal part of the videography experience.

But your advertisement is likely to be viewed silently online.

Think about it: you’re on your lunch break, and you scroll through an Instagram feed nonchalantly. Your phone is muted because you wouldn’t want to disturb others. You’re not going to hear audio from an advertisement in this environment.

In most online environments, you need to assume people won’t hear your advertisement. Not to mention, your viewers can often be hard-of-hearing, and the audio won’t particularly matter to them anyway.

Your video should be subtitled if there is dialogue.

Ensure your video is watchable and understandable if a device is on mute.

No dialogue? Use brief moments of quick, easily-digestible text on-screen to get your message across. This can happen in tandem with a voice-over, but it doesn’t have to. Most of your audience won’t be “listening” to your advertisement, they’ll be watching it. What they actually see is what they’re going to take away from their experience.

The bottom line

Content races across the internet at an alarming and unprecedented rate. We’re connected to global world just by owning a device we store in our pocket. Creating shareable and engaging content to an uninitiated audience is something you can do to take advantage of our interconnectivity.

For your video marketing to capture attention, you need to be willing to make a video that will make a viewer “pause” what they’re doing to give you their attention. With these three tips, you’ll be a lot closer to reaching your goals.

But, as always, if you have a question (or need something explained further), the team here at Distill Media be happy to talk with you.


Distill Media is a video production company in the interior of British Columbia dedicated to the “essentials of visual storytelling”: isolating and expressing the core messages of businesses and organizations through video. We provide industry-leading products with high return on investment.

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Video Production in the Social Media Age Thu, 15 Jul 2021 23:05:41 +0000 The post Video Production in the Social Media Age appeared first on Distill Media.


The world lives online now. Businesses, personalities, and ideas alike are all most commonly engaged with virtually–through social media. 

If you’re somebody looking to get your ideas, products, or services visible on the internet through video, you may already know just how critical an online presence is. You need strong ratings on Google Reviews. You need to ensure your location exists on online map services. You need a website to give your elevator pitch–and your contact information–to the public.

And of course, you need a social media page–on multiple platforms–to demonstrate what you’re doing to existing and potential customers. 

Here are three ways you can optimize videography to generate bigger traffic on social media. 

video production in Kelowna Distill Media

1. Know Your Audience

There are a multitude of social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram) out there, but they don’t all service the same markets or demographics. Plenty of research is publicly available that sheds light on which people are using which platform, but that doesn’t necessarily give you a recipe for social media success. 

For example, if you’re looking to capture the imagination of the 18-to-29 year old demographic, you may be aware that you’ll have more success on Instagram, Snapchat, or TikTok than if you targeted Facebook. If you’re looking to attract attention from the media and/or business world, you’d be right to publish videos on Twitter and/or LinkedIn. The real question is, “how do I produce high quality video content that will actually engage those who watch it?” 

For example: in the world of Instagram and TikTok, time is precious. When video is produced with these user bases in mind, they take into account that these are apps designed for sharing short videos. The audience is looking for quick, informative dopamine hits that get viewers in and out of the door quickly. You’ll need to prioritize hiring a video production team in Kelowna that excels at efficient, snappy messaging. You only have a few moments to present yourself or your business, so every second has to count. 

In the world of YouTube (a website the majority of people under the age of 65 say they regularly use), there’s more of an appetite for long-form videos. Many popular content creators often post videos upwards of 10 minute videos, so if you need a social media video that has a lot of depth, you know that YouTube (or your own website through embedded code) will be more receptive to it. 

Ideally, you should be looking to have different types of videos for different applications. Need to introduce a concept to get people interested? Use the right platform for the intended goal. Need to demonstrate a product or service in its totality? Use the right platform for the intended goal. 

Consider your market and your goals, and then make your methodology decisions. Many video production companies in Kelowna are eager to brainstorm your project with you to find a way to meet your audience where they’re at. 

video production in Kelowna Distill Media

2. Find Your Voice

“Professional video production” probably brings up a mental image for you. When I hear that, I think about sweeping, cinematic shots with precise lighting and emotive music. 

Some people are getting results by using professional video production for that TV-ready style, but it’s not the only way to use video in the social media age.

Some brands are using professional video studios to create stop-motion “reminder” advertisements–perfect to catch the eye of somebody casually scrolling through Instagram. These are effective videos because they can be engaged with even if your phone is muted, and they get their message across very quickly. The result is a clever and memorable marketing campaign. 

Other companies successfully augment professional content with shareable “real life” videos that strip back the gloss and showcase their brand in a more relaxed light–in this example, we see a sports league seem relatable on their Instagram page, while still investing in deeper-dive professionally shot videos on YouTube. 

Other organizations, like TED Talks, are bound to long-form conventions but have discovered their voice on shareable social media platforms by utilizing “snippets” of longer clips that act as a hook to the viewer. This means that the organization does not have to dilute the purpose of their videos (each “snippet” contains a link to the longer video), but instead manages to be realistic about who/what they are while showcasing their “voice” in truncated form. Sometimes you can have it both ways. 

What your “voice” is might come through repeated experimentation, and you don’t need to be in a rush to find it. It is, however, important to be open to different case uses of video production to discover just how you can best make use of the medium. 

video production in Kelowna Distill Media

3. Trust the Experts

As your business or idea grows, managing your social media content will begin to exhaust you. You can only wear so many hats, and for many, the right choice is to find the right person to take ownership of your online presence. 

If you have deep pockets, it’s easiest to find a combination of a marketing strategist with a big idea and a video production company with the means to execute. In smaller cases, your first step might just be to hire somebody already in your organization to take more time to focus on product videography and/or social media campaigns. There isn’t one right way to do it. 

But if you’re only able to dedicate a fraction of your time to generating great video content for your organization or brand, your social media presence will suffer. 

Identify and start discussions with experts locally or remotely who can elevate your brand to the next level with clever video production. Brainstorm with videographers who can help you generate ideas about what your “voice” could be, and how you can use different social media platforms to your advantage. In many cases, you can literally just call a video production company in Kelowna with only a fraction of an idea–it’s their job to help you flush out the idea to its totality. They know that world better, and if they’re good at their job, they’re going to get you a higher return on your investment. 

For most people in 2021, it’s no longer enough to exist by word-of-mouth. Get your message out with video production: find your voice, identify your methodology, and hire some-one (or yourself) to make it happen. This is a digital, visual age where it’s critical that you look good. It’s time to put your best foot forward.

Distill Media is a video production company in Kelowna, serving the entire interior of British Columbia, dedicated to the “essentials of visual storytelling”: isolating and expressing the core messages of businesses and organizations through video. We provide industry-leading products with high return on investment.

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This is Why Your Video Marketing Isn’t Working Thu, 01 Jul 2021 21:53:32 +0000 The post This is Why Your Video Marketing Isn’t Working appeared first on Distill Media.


It’s 2021, and everybody on the internet is looking to get an edge: you want video to sell your products or service for you. And why not? Video is proven to be an excellent way to introduce an idea to the public, and its eye-grabbing nature guarantees people will pay attention (at least for a moment). These are all reasons why people choose to use video marketing.

But what if you’re not getting the expected response from video marketing? 

Here are three possible reasons why your video marketing isn’t working: 

video marketing in Kelowna

1. Your messaging isn’t clear.

You may have heard the term “visual storytelling” thrown around a lot–we run a video production company in Kelowna, and we use this term all the time. 

A video does not move the needle for your potential clients if it’s just a collection of pretty product shots. 

You need to answer questions that the viewer is asking in their head (sometimes subconsciously). And to do this, you need a vision for your video that executes a narrative first and foremost. What is the application of your product? What problems is your non-profit solving? What can people expect when they walk into your store?

Identifying a video production team that is good at telling a story is paramount. 

Another great angle to take: clearing up misconceptions. Your intended viewer may be the target audience for your new tech product, but if they don’t know what problems your product will help them solve (or if they misunderstand its purpose), they will be harder to reach. What are common misconceptions people may have about your product? Identify them and clarify the matter for your audience. 

What’s your hook? How do you engage a viewer within the first five seconds to capture their attention? You won’t retain viewership if they’re not immediately grabbed by your video. The structure of the narrative is critical. 

Be prepared to take a new angle when you’re preparing to make your next marketing video. Your messaging has to be clear, and it has to answer questions your potential clients may have. 

video marketing in Kelowna

2. Your Videos Aren’t Optimized Well for the Internet Age

Instagram. YouTube. TikTok. Vimeo. Facebook. They’re all platforms that you can share video to, but the similarities peter out after that. 

It’s important to be considerate of the platform you’re using to get eyes on your video. Demographic studies reveal that very different types of people are using each social media platform, and they’re often looking for different things. A video designed for TikTok should be snappy, clever, and easily shareable; a video for YouTube could be long-form and detailed. An Instagram story video should utilize a portrait orientation (“vertical video”) to look natural to your clients; your Facebook video should be presented in landscape orientation (widescreen) to account for the users who view Facebook videos using a personal computer or tablet. 

It can be overwhelming to think about all the different uses your video might need. Do you need separate versions of your video for each social media platform? Not necessarily. A big part of getting the most out of your video investment is to understand where your market really is. If your video is a sleek, in-depth product demonstration, you’re just not going to be able to get much mileage on Instagram–the audience isn’t there to watch something like that. If you’re making a pithy, efficient and shareable quick video that says all it needs to say in short order, it’s not a good candidate for a platform like Vimeo–your intended audience should be using one of the more “social” apps, where attention spans are short but engagement can be high. Different mediums; different methods. 

If you’ve got a great video made, make sure you optimize it to match its strengths on the internet. If you’re hoping to make a video, consider where on the web the video should live before you start storyboarding and scripting. 

The internet age is rapidly evolving, and changes can be quick. If you’re making the investment in video, make sure you also invest time into how you can best use it to its full potential. 

video marketing in Kelowna

3. The quality isn’t what people are used to.

We’re in a golden-age of content right now. Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime are producing their films and TV shows at a staggering rate. Amateur content creators on YouTube use professional lighting and expensive audio equipment. Things that get shared and viewed these days are of a much higher quality than they were in years past. The result of this change is evident: people click ‘play’ on a video are expecting a certain standard. 

People are used to a very high quality of presentation. 

This is relatively new, but it means if you’re a smaller or local figure, it’s harder to get away with a low-budget production. People are being actively  re-wired, whether they like it or not, to discredit a video that doesn’t look like what they’re used to. The good news: as equipment and training has become more accessible, so have quality videographers. You don’t need to travel for or spend big to get high quality. 

You do, however, have to identify who can deliver quality at a reasonable price. We’ve talked a bit already in another blog about whether or not professional video production companies are worth your money. Most videography companies can prove their suitability with their portfolio. And if what you’re looking for isn’t represented in their portfolio, give them a call and ask for any examples they might have that match your criteria. 

Time and money spent creating a video that audiences will reject is a wasted resource.

Find out what local options provide the quality and standard you’re used to seeing, and open up a conversation with them to assess if they have the ability to create the video you need. Are they interested in your vision? Are they interested in ensuring you get a good return on your investment? Are they good storytellers who know how to use different mediums to your advantage? 

They might seem like obvious questions. But these are the questions you need answered before you sink money into a video. A great video, or series of videos, can transform your marketing–it’s critical that you give yourself the best chance of striking gold. 

Distill Media is a video production company in the interior of British Columbia dedicated to the “essentials of visual storytelling”: isolating and expressing the core messages of businesses and organizations through video. We provide industry-leading products with high return on investment.

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The post This is Why Your Video Marketing Isn’t Working appeared first on Distill Media.
